Thursday, April 28, 2011

My own Big Chill

On Friday, I leave for my 20th college reunion.  You can say it...I’m old. 

I’ve been obsessing over this for the last month. I’ve got the requisite hair cut (but opted not to touch up my roots; big mistake), have the appointment for the mani/pedi, booked the hotel room, confirmed that my roommates will be there, and only need to buy a pair of shoes before I am ready to go. I have to find the pair that will make my outfit.

Reunions are all about catching up and I’m looking forward to hearing what everyone’s been doing with their lives.  But I’m starting to get anxious about talking to people about my life.

For the last ten years, I have been living and breathing autism.  Oh, I’ve had a job for a little while, and taken a few nice trips, but all in all, my husband and I and Aidan have been coping with Conor’s autism non-stop.

But, I am determined. I am SO not going to be that boring woman who can only talk about one depressing topic ad nauseam.  And crying, I am NOT going to cry. (Three years of therapy, and I still cry when I talk about my son’s regression. Wimp.)

To reinforce my determination, I have written a little mantra to repeat to myself several times a day.

I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.
I will not talk about autism at my 20th college reunion.

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